Sunday, August 9, 2009

7 Tips on How to Survive Hard Times

We've all been through hard times, the loss of a loved one, a job reversal, a natural disaster, but now all of us face an economic depression. We need a place to live, food on the table, satisfying work, the ability to meet our financial obligations, and quality play time. But if you've just lost your job, how are you going to manage any of that?

1. Set Priorities

What is your first priority? Your first priority should be a place to live. With whatever you earn, you must keep a roof over your head. Pay the rent or mortgage first. Every other bill is secondary to this one. Living through an economic depression is hard enough without being homeless as well. If necessary, sell your house so that you can live in a less expensive place.

Next should be the utilities, especially your phone, and the third, quality food. By the way, your TV is not a utility. If necessary, let it go. If you live in a city with public transportation, you may also need to get rid of your car. Only you can decide that. But it may be cheapter to get a bus pass. When every penny counts, count them and make them work for you, not against you.

2. Let Your Pride Go

Take the next job, no matter what it is, and do what you can to keep it. Your college degree means nothing if your family is hungry. You can't eat it. You can't even take it to the bank for a loan. Besides, your current economic downturn may be the stepping stone to something far more rewarding.

3. Avoid the Jim Beam Family

Although I've nothing against having a drink with dinner, your goal is how to survive an economic depression, not adding to it. Overindulgence in any drug, even a legal one, leaves you less likely to respond well to that phone call from a prosepctive employer. Besides, if dollars are limited, you have no business spending your precious pennies on a favorite indulgence.

4. Eat Well

Of course I don't mean go to your favorite restaurant. Eat at home. Find cheap recipes. Learn what makes up a complete protein for the days you can't afford meat. And eat your vegetables. Recent studies show that vitamins don't work as well as food, so get as much quality food in your diet as possible.

5. Spend Time With Your Family

This may sound like a strange tip, but consider your family a top priority. Your children are less likely to be afraid when they see you holding it together. Learn some in-home games to play, and have fun!

6. Stay Honest

I know it's a temptation for some to cheat a little, maybe steal a little, during this time. Don't do it. Not only is your family watching you, absorbing all your strengths and weaknesses, but when this is all over you still must live with yourself.

7. And Last, But Not Least - Worship!

You've heard, "The famiy that prays together, stays together," right? It's true when your worship comes from your heart. Life is more than how to survive an economic depression. It's how to live when it's all over.

How we get through this time of economic depression will define who we are. We need to provide housing and food for our loved ones and meet our financial obligations, and we need to do so with both grace and dignity. If we don't care about the quality of life, meaning both grace and dignity, the quantity matters little. The way we live our lives needs to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

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