Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Are You Afraid to Answer the Phone?

Bills are due and you have no way to pay them. Creditors seem to be calling every minute. What do you do?

For peace of mind, get caller ID and screen your calls. When you get that job, then you can make arrangements to pay the bills. In the meantime, make sure you're doing all you legally can to get you and your family through this with as much grace and dignity as possible.

  • Keep yourself clean and sober. When your new employer calls, you want to sound your best.
  • Prioritize your bills.

+Rent, utilities and phone first

+Quality food. Do not waste your money on junk food.

+No more than one car payment. If you can, NO car payment. If you live in a city, buy a bus pass.

  • Get rid of excessive bills like entertainment (eg, Cable, going out, fast food)
  • Make a plan (budget) and stick to it.

KNOW that you're doing the very best you can. Worry is your worst enemy. It robs you of energy and hides solutions from you, such as opportunities to odd job. Don't fall into the worry trap. It's a killer.

And also know that others have been through this before you--and survived. You'll be all right.

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